Busy day at work yesterday – I was just doing this and that. I got off the bus last night and ran into my friend Tiffany. We each had a glass of wine and a nice little chat. It was a nice way to end the day. I always say, it’s the little things. I got home, watched Match Game and turned the channels around a few times.

I’m still not back on my diet yet but I will be soon. I’m fine with breakfast and lunch, but dinner and the evening is kicking my butt! The word “breakfast” reminded me of when I was a kid. I couldn’t say that word. I also had problems telling time and blowing my nose. I’ve been bringing in frozen dinners for my lunch and today was no different. I had to move my car from one side of the street to the other and I left my lunch on my backseat. I was halfway to NYC before I noticed. I just said to myself, “Damn.” In the bus station this morning there was a German couple walking behind me and I could hear every word they said. At one point I thought he said, “Wooden penis.” However, with his accent, it could have sounded like any number of words. Then again, what if I heard correctly? What is this guy talking about? There’s a whole subculture out there that we know nothing about. Leave it to the Germans to come up with a wooden penis — ?

Paula (Paula’s Notes) has a new note up this week. I told her I was going to give her the boot if she didn’t start writing them again. What would her life be like without this website, ha ha. I didn’t want it to come to that but in this crazy world of the Internet; you have to keep one step ahead of everybody else. That’s why my site is #1. Oh man. OK, time to start the day.

Have a good one.