Hello. I bought Bruce Springsteen‘s video collection last night. Too many videos! I love the boss, but I wasn’t happy. I should have waited for a concert DVD or something. The Beastie Boys’ DVD looked so much better and they really took the time by adding different audio and video tracks. Springsteen’s DVD was just 21/2 hours of straight videos and some live stuff. With that format, you really have to step up to the plate and deliver. Give me something a little more, make it a little better. I’m so angry, AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!! Internet Acting, thank you.

Anyway, I did a little arithmetic last night and if I start saving now, I can have a down payment for a car by 2011. I can’t wait!

My Skylark started on the first try the other day so I may have avoided an expensive repair, by doing nothing, ha ha! I saw some woman parallel parking into a space in front of my car. Apparently, and I wasn’t aware of this, the new way to parallel park is to go so far back you hit my car! Sometimes people really suck! I’ve had my grill broken and lights cracked because people are so STUPID!

Anyway, on a better note, I want to thank everybody for leaving clean messages on my message board. Thank you. Well, I just checked what I’ve written so far, it’s pretty angry stuff. However, I’m in a great mood. Looking forward to getting over the hump. I wish everyone a happy Wednesday as well. Also, I’d like to give a shout out to my friend in London, the Barber of Belgrade. Have a good day.
OOOOOOO, I almost forgot, to all my Chinese friends, Happy New Year! It’s the year of the snake.