I woke up this morning, looked out the window, and said outloud, snow! Not much but it was out there. The sidewalks were sheets of ice. I had to walk on the street. Again this week, I got to work by 8 o’clock. I don’t have to be here until 10 o’clock. Monday or Tuesday I noticed a guy on the bus. He had a toothpick in his mouth. I didn’t think much of it until today. I saw him again and again, he has a toothpick in his mouth. Does he always have a toothpick in his mouth? Before he leaves his house he must do a checklist: Wallet, check, keys, check, jacket, check. OK, I think I have everything, oh, wait, I forgot to put a toothpick in my mouth! Classy.

Unless I get bumped, I’m 99% sure that I’m going to be on the Late Show with David Letterman tonight. So, check it out and tell your friends to watch. OK, that’s all I got. Have a good day.

UPDATE: Bob’s appearance on tonight’s Late Show has been postponed until further notice.

UPDATE (3:25pm):“Nevermind, it’s back on, maybe. Tune in tonight to find out.”