Hi. My computer at work is still down and I apologize in advance for this diary, I just don’t feel like myself. I had a good day at work yesterday. It was good to come back after vacation and see everybody. It’s sort of like an extended family.

Christmas cards. I’ve received a good number so far but what is the protocol for receiving cards from people you’d rather not hear from? Ignore it yet again or would it be better to send a note saying I’d rather not participate in this farce. I gave my address to a guy in college and five years later, I’m still getting cards! I ran out of things to talk about with this guy my first year out of college. I guess in the sprit of the Holidays I’ll let it pass but enough is enough.
I won the football pool last week! That means about 120 “units” in the old pocket book. I was so excited about my new wealth that I got online and was one click away from buying a cell phone. I had to call Walter to talk me down. He said “Who are you going to call?” I didn’t have an answer. Thanks Walter. I want to say thanks to my neighbor, Pam, for watching my mail. It was really embarrassing, for the week I was gone, I only received three letters. Maybe I shouldn’t complain about getting unwanted Christmas cards. Lesson learned. My friend, Lee, would like to send big ups to the guy that played “Roy” on Emergency.