I’m all out of pictures. I need to starting taking photos of friends and Hoboken but I haven’t had the time. I’m also waiting for a camera case to be delivered. I’d feel better taking my camera out in the real world if it were protected. I’m funny that way. When I was ordering the case I also bought Hall and Oates’ Greatest Hits CD. I can’t wait for that to get here. I have a song on my brain. That Behind the Music show is evil that way. I’ve been busy the last few weeks at work. I even missed lunch yesterday. I don’t mind, anything for the cause.
I talked to my Nephew Lucas last night. He liked my birthday gift but he didn’t get to play it yet. I got him a SpongeBob SquarePants computer game. It got good reviews and looked interesting. I love buying for the kids! I have a nephew that turned 6 years old, man. I’ve had rashes that are six years old. After that comment, I’d like to say a special hello to all the ladies out there, Hello Ladies, ha ha. Oh I’m going to be single for the rest of my life. I’m going to do something new today. On Monday I played the lotto. I still haven’t checked to see if I’m a winner. So, I’m going to do it online. Here are my numbers for the Pick 6, I played twice for $2:01 – 11 – 34 – 37 – 38 – 48
05 – 10 – 25 – 36 – 42 – 47

The Lotto results: 1 – 5 – 13 – 18 – 25 – 31 Damn! Lost again! I would enjoy winning the lottery, that’d be a good thing. LOTTERY!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! Internet Acting, thank you, thank you very much. Tomorrow’s diary is a Viewer’s Choice diary. That means, you ask me a question on my message board today and I’ll respond to it in my diary tomorrow. The last time I did that people seemed to enjoy it. Please, feel free to ask away! You know, I think I will put a photo in today. Here’s a picture of my vacuum cleaner.

Why my vacuum cleaner? Because technology allows me to do it. God Bless America. And have a great day!

I was sitting at home last night thinking of a photo for today’s diary. I like the photos, it adds a new twist to things. After about five minutes, I exhausted all possibilities of taking photos with the cats, ha ha. Then it hit me, the answer was hanging on my wall. Check this out:

I painted this in the early 90’s. I’m not kidding! Look at the use of shadows and texture. I was brilliant, in my own mind. I was in a college painting class and if I’m not mistaken, this is a famous painting. For the life of me, I can’t remember who did it. The teacher was really cool. Very encouraging. Anyway, that was an odd time in my life. Still wasn’t sure what path life would drive me down. I was still living at home, for heaven’s sake! The grade I got in that class allowed me to transfer my credits and move up to the main branch of Kent State University — I wasn’t the best student. Everything was always just enough or just short. Thank God for TV! I’m not sure where I’m going with this. I’m just feeling nostalgic for some reason.
Seriously, I did paint that. I should start painting again. It’s really cold out there. Yesterday and today I felt like my head was frozen — FROZEN! I was walking home last night and I saw some guy cutting his nails while he was walking. Could he have picked a worse time to do that? We talk everywhere on our cell phones. What’s next, taking a dump on the street? Did I just write that? Wow. Walter, do you want to say anything in my diary today?Walter: Nope.
Thanks Walter. I’ve been watching that SpongeBob Squarepants show this week. I like it. Hey, I almost forgot! Today is my nephew’s birthday. Happy Birthday Lucas!!!!!!!!!!!!! My man is 6 today. I sent him a game that should get there today. It better be there today, I paid extra for shipping. Sometimes it stinks living so far away. And sometimes it’s freaking great — Ha ha!! OK, that’s it. God Bless America.

Hello. I don’t have a lot to talk about today.
I was busy last night trying to get my camera to “talk” to my computer. I had to call a help line and they got the problem fixed. I have a lot to catch up on in this modern computer world. It took me forever to upload a picture to AOL. It turns out that I didn’t do something and I sent a photo that was 7 mega bytes. Walter gave me some quick pointers and I got the upload time from 45 minutes down to 4 minutes. Whew! Things are starting to go my way! Anyway, here’s the first photo from The Nerve Center. Oddly enough, it’s a photo of The Nerve Center:

Pretty cool. This is where the magic happens, I hope. That’s the desk I was talking about yesterday. OK, I have to run. God Bless America. Check out my message board, I’d like to hear from you.

Hello! And now, I’d like to answer the question that gave me the idea to start this website oh so many moons ago.  The Question: Bob, How was your weekend?

A) My weekend was grand. It started off Friday night, I went to Walter‘s house for some dinner. On the walk to Walter’s, Walter had a celebrity sighting. I missed it. Anyway, I’ll let Walter tell it — Walter? Thanks, Bob — I saw Bjork. Thanks Walter. I was telling Walter that my“new” computer arrived and I was going to drive into the city Saturday morning to pick it up. He put the idea in my head to just suck it up and pick it up later that evening. I was thinking about it then Walter’s wife,“Sally” said, “While your at it, take this chair too.” The chair she’s referring to was the one that Walter found on the street a few weeks ago. That was all I need to hear, a free chair. I headed back to Hoboken, got in the car and before you knew it, I was driving back to Hoboken with a chair and a computer. I woke up Saturday morning and headed off to Ikea. I was there when they opened up the door. That’s the best time to go — the place was empty. I picked up a desk. Got it out to the car and the box was too big. So, I took the desk out of the box. I had to drive back with my window down because the board was sticking out. Classy. I put that desk together with clock-like precision. Everything works and I’ve taken a step forward into the late 90’s — ha ha. Saturday night I had dinner over at Tiffany‘s house. I truly had a wonderful evening. Just two friends kicking it. Sunday, I got up and drove to Nutley to do my laundry. For some reason I had a lot this week. And that brings us to Super Bowl night.

I could have gone to a couple of parties but I opted for a quiet night at home. If I can get one step ahead of the cat hair, I’m ahead of the game, ha ha. That’s it. All weekends should be as good. God Bless America.

Friday Grab-Bag O’ ThoughtsHello. I’m looking forward to this weekend. My “new” computer should be here later today and I have a lot of things to do in the old apartment to get ready. I’m also in the planning stage of a total redesign of BobBorden.com. Just thought I’d throw that out there. My portable CD player is on the blink. I always listen to it right before I go to bed. It was skipping around like crazy last night. I’ve had it since 1995. It’s been to Spain, France and Italy. Around the world. Around the world and beyond. I’m going to miss her. To fall asleep last night, I had to hum to myself. Kind of a sad image when you think about it. It’s raining in New York today and in my heart. Today’s random photo of the day:

I don’t have too much more to say today. So, I’m cutting it short. Have a great weekend! God Bless America.

It’s 8 AM and I’ve already used this phrase once: “Got my mind on my money and my money on my mind.” I also use, “Ain’t nothing going on but the rent.” I love saying stuff like that. Last night I went home and put in some cat time, watched a little TV and talked on the phone. I went to bed early because I wanted to get to work early. I didn’t want to deal with traffic two days in a row. It was already getting backed up at 7:30. I started off yesterday’s diary with a leftover story from Tuesday’s diary. I was asking myself last night why I included a story that didn’t have a payoff. Then it hit me, I left something out. At the end of the story I should have said, I was looking to buy Pink Floyd‘s new greatest hits CD. They had that in stock but it was $22. $22! I only paid $15 for my coffee table! So, that was how the story was supposed to end. It’s still not that great, is it? What do you want from me, this is my life! Sometimes I go places / do things and nothing happens to me, cut me some slack! Am I losing my mind, AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Internet Acting 2002, thank you, thank you very much.

I was walking home last night and I saw a cart/desk sticking out of a dumpster. I was so going to take that and make a computer desk out of it. Then I remembered I don’t have any wood working skills or tools. Yes, If I saw something I needed in the trash I’d take it. Stop judging me! You’re suffocating me!!!! AAAAAAAAAHHHH — That’s it! “How’s it going Bob?” “Got my mind on my money and my money on my mind, HA HAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!” Seriously, I’m OK. Did I mention it’s 8 AM? Have a good one. God Bless America.

I’m going to start off with something new today. Here’s something I like to call: Story I forgot to put in yesterday’s diary. Here it goes…

I went to the record store “last night” in hopes of finding the greatest hits of Hall & Oates. I saw their Behind the Music and was reminded of their sweet melodies. Anyway, they didn’t have it! How can you run a record store and not have that record? OK, so I’m down but not out. I was going to get thePiece of Mind CD by Iron Maiden — Sold out. I was in there for over an hour and walked out with nothing — I even looked at the LPs! You know — I think I forgot that story for a reason, it stinks.

Last night, I had drinks with Bob Bowdon. Two Bobs out on the town, making the scene. We talked about Sports, current events, finance and relationships. Here’s how the conversation about relationships went — I’ll be known as Bob #2, this is going to get confusing. Here it goes, remember, the subject is relationships:Bob #1 “And that’s about it. How about you?”
Bob #2 “Ahhhhhhhhhh, hmmmmmmmm, how about that Super Bowl?”

Ha ha, get it…when asked about relationships, I didn’t have anything. Ha ha, get it? Oh, sweet Lord, OK, I won’t do that again but seriously Lord, come on! I ate a Gyro last night. I knew it was bad, I knew it’d make me feel bad but I had to have it. I’m days away from changing my life and my eating habits. I can’t keep doing what I’m doing. Due to heavy traffic this morning, my butt fell asleep on the bus. PHOTO NOT AVAILABLE Ha ha! — That’s it, Have a good one. God Bless America.

I was in the Hello Deli this morning and I was looking at the bananas and I said to myself, that’s just about as perfect as a banana gets. So I got one — Check it out:

They’re two things wrong with that exchange: 1. I’m talking to fruit and 2. I took a photo of it. The Internet truly is useless. OK, I have a story. There’sa guy that works in this building that every now and then I’d see in Hoboken. After about a year of this, I saw him again in Hoboken last week and introduced myself. Just a quick introduction, no conversation or anything. So, last night, I’m waiting for the bus and I see the guy again. I said, “Hi.” He looked at me like I was nuts. I had the wrong guy. I said, “I’m sorry I thought you were this other guy.” He said, “What’s the guy’s name?” I said, “Pete.” He said, “That’s my brother.” That freaked me out! I had a nice talk with him on the bus. I was talking to my friend Sandi on the horn last night and she pointed out that they’re probably twins. I didn’t even think of that! Here’s the sad part to this story — I’m talking to strange men on the bus. Excuse me for a second, OH Sweet Lord, my life has gotten to the point where I’m talking to strange men on the bus. Sweet Lord, I love women, you know it and I know it, send me a woman Lord, please Lord, PLEASE? Lord? LORD!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Internet Acting, 2002! Thank you, thank you very much.
Mmmmmm, this banana is good! A great story, a picture of a banana — what more do you want? That’s it! God Bless America.